
圣经都是 神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的, 叫属 神的人得以完全,预备行各样的善事。『提摩太後書3:16-17』

华人福音基督教会 • 凯瑞堂

腓2:8-9a 既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。 所以神将他升为至高,又赐给他那超乎万名之上的名

今日读经 Bible Reading Today
2024-10-18 • 箴 Prov 18;赛 Isa 30, 31, 32

2024 北卡华人福音教会秋季退修会 8/30-9/01

2024 CCMC Fall Retreat 8/30-9/01

网上直播 Online meeting


地址 Address

Caraway Conference Center: 4756 Caraway Mountain Road Sophia, NC 27350

退修会日程安排 Retreat Agenda

  • (一)8/30 (周五, Friday) 08:00pm-09:30pm 在真道上長進 (1:1-30)
  • (二)8/31 (周六, Saturday) 09:00am-10:30am 以主的心為心 (2:1-11)
  • (三)8/31 (周六, Saturday) 10:45am-11:45am 黑暗中的明光 (2:12-30)
  • (四)8/31 (周六, Saturday) 07:30pm-09:00pm 主耶穌為至寶 (3:1-12)
  • (五)9/01 (周日, Sunday) 09:00am-11:00am 向著標竿直跑 (3:13-21)
  • (六)9/01 (周日, Sunday) 01:30pm-30:00pm 在主裡的喜樂 (4:1-23)



Rev. AI Potter

Pastor AI has planted a total of 30 churches in over 10 states. He has served as a college President, Vice President, and has taught on the college and seminary level. He eared Master of Divinity from Central Seminary and Doctor of Divinity from Calvary Seminary. He has two children and four grandchildren and enjoyed 48 years of marriage to his wife Patricia who is now with the Lord. Today AI serves as the Pastor of Ministry and Leadership Development at Shepherds Church while finishing his 53rd year in ministry. He also serves as the Vice President of Advancement for Shepherds Theological Seminary.