
圣经都是 神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的, 叫属 神的人得以完全,预备行各样的善事。『提摩太後書3:16-17』

华人福音基督教会 • 凯瑞堂

哥林多后书 7:10a 因為依著神的意思憂愁,就生出沒有後悔的懊悔來. (和合本)2 Corinthians 7:10a For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret. (NKJV)

今日读经 Bible Reading Today
2024-04-24 • 撒上 1Sam 25, 26;徒 Act 26

English Ministry

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Activity Time Online Location
English Sunday Worship Sunday 10:00am – 11:30am Cary Church
107 Quade Dr, Cary

Sunday Worship

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May God bless you!